Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My New Gig

I've been asked to write the blog at my son's new school this year to get the parents and community excited about the Annual Fund that raises money to keep the school going.

I enjoy writing. In fact, it's my first love. My mom taught me how to read before I started kindergarten and around that same time, I began typing short stories on her typewriter and have grown up with a passion for the written word.

As I've grown - and evolved - so has my passion for writing. From poetry to fiction, erotica to my current interest in non-fiction, I've been expanding my horizons for three decades now, moving from one writing project to another.

I'm pleased and honored to have the opportunity to write in yet another capacity, even if it is for a select audience like the parents at my son's school. Even though my son's just beginning his "career" at this school in Pre-K, the children he's in class with every day are going to be his friends for life, or at least that's my hope for him. The school is an independent school and will go through the 8th grade so he will literally grow up with these same kids.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts and inspirations with the parents at school. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue to juggle all of the responsibilities in my life. I have trouble saying no and this project was no exception. I do feel, however, that my belief in the school and my passion for children and families will be a contagious force that continues to help our community grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I am proud to see you take an
active role in working for the school. You
also did a good job of helping out with his
past school. You are a good example of
comm-unity. Love, Mom :)