Thursday, May 15, 2008

Parenting Party Sponsor - KABOOST

I can't recall how I discovered KABOOST, but it couldn't have been introduced to me at a more convenient time. I recently threw away my son's booster chair and very quickly realized that there was no alternative for him. He's now sitting on a phone book...until the new Kaboost (in green, my son's favorite color) arrives.

If this video doesn't sell you, think about this - the only reason that phone books are still being printed is because not enough parents know about these chair boosters. Green your home by purchasing a KABOOST portable chair booster today.

Join us at the upcoming Parenting Party for a chance to win your very own Kaboost portable chair booster and carrying bag. You can bring it with you to Grandma's house, on vacation or when you head out to your neighborhood family-friendly restaurant.

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