Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finding That Special Someone

My male companion (for lack of a better term) and I recently discussed whether or not we'd ever get married again. We didn't discuss marrying each other, but talked hypothetically, of course! While I flirt with the idea of having more kids and someday walking down the aisle - older and wiser - I have to admit that the idea is just as scary as it is exciting.

A while back, before my best friend from high school got married, I wrote a post about Susan Piver's book, The Hard Questions. It's a small book filled with great topics to get couples discussing issues that will come up throughout their relationship.
Issues such as money, work, sex, family, and children are addressed as well as several others.

Photogurrl sent me an article recently which discusses A Dozen Ways to Get to Know Your Real Partner. Author Stacy D. Phillips mentions great signs to watch out for which are ones that I wish I had paid more attention to in my relationship with my ex-husband.

And just today, I discovered another amazing list through PT Law Mom's blog: 276 Questions to Ask Before You Marry.

Between these three resources, there is plenty to learn about yourself and your partner which makes for a fun and exciting activity that will bring you closer to the person you are with.

What these lists have helped me realize is that I have dozens - if not hundreds - of conversations yet to have with my current love interest. What's holding me back from bringing up these topics? Am I afraid to find out that we may not be the best match for each other or would it be scarier to discover that we are?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice site
