Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Losing a Child

The recent death of John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son has left many parents stepping back and taking time to slow down and enjoy each and every minute we have with our child. Life is too precious to not hold on to the memories we create and to appreciate the time we have on this planet.

The death of a child is not something that parents want to think about, but where does one turn if this sudden loss should occur?

Compassionate Friends is a worldwide organization established to help support those who have lost a child. Founded in 1972, this non-profit group provides community forums, resources and events to bring together families looking for ways to honor their child and keep the memories alive.

Those who have lost a child to SIDS, stillbirth or experienced miscarriage can also find comfort and compassion through the members of this group.

Knowing that you're not alone is one of the biggest strengths during the time of tragedy. Visit the website for details on local chapters, the annual Walk to Remember and the International Gathering.

Stop by their Ways to Give page to learn about how you can donate to Compassionate Friends.

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